DreamOS Skins Downloads
hdsuisse.fhd for Newnigma2 - Enigma2 skin

hdsuisse.fhd for Newnigma2 - Enigma2 skin Software Downloads
DreamOS Skins hdsuisse.fhd for Newnigma2 - Enigma2 skin
hdsuisse.fhd for Newnigma2 skin - 04-21-2024

[OE2.6/OE2.5] hdsuisse.fhd for Newnigma2 skin

Update hdsuisse Skins 21.04.2024
fhd->10.1 one4all

- EDM screens
- EDM infobar can now be selected with either a station picon or event image (pic) in MerlinSkinThemes.
- some EDM screens have been renamed and need to be reactivated in the MST.

thanks hdsuisse

22.04.2024 ⏱ 14:40