Audio and Video Software Download
Video Duplicate Finder

Video Duplicate Finder Software Downloads
Audio and Video Other Useful Tools Video Duplicate Finder
Video Duplicate Finder - Update June 15, 2024
Video Duplicate Finder is a cross-platform software to find duplicated video (and image) files on hard disk based on similiarity. That means unlike other duplicate finders this one does also finds duplicates which have a different resolution, frame rate and even watermarked.
- Cross-platform
- Fast scanning speed
- Ultra fast rescan
- Optional calling ffmpeg functions natively for even more speed
- Finds duplicate videos / images based on similarity
- Windows, Linux and MacOS GUI

Latest version 3.0 Beta – 15/06/2024

Free software:
OS WindowsWindows OS MacMac OS LinuxLinux

Video Duplicate Finder Beta Portable for Windows

Version 3.0 Beta – 15/06/2024

Video Duplicate Finder Beta for Mac 64-bit

Version 3.0 Beta – 15/06/2024

Video Duplicate Finder Beta for Mac ARM 64-bit

Version 3.0 Beta – 15/06/2024

Video Duplicate Finder Beta for Linux 64-bit

Version 3.0 Beta – 15/06/2024

16.06.2024 ⏱ 19:14